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外教讲解地道美语 第343期:E-mail Scam 电邮欺诈

Source: 恒星英语学习网   2012-03-15   论坛 Favorite 

E-mail Scam

A: I got an urgent email from Tom! He says he is in London and got robbed and needs us to wire him some money for his hotel.

B: What? That sounds really dodgy tone.

A: No way, Tom is an honest person, he wouldn't lie tone.

B: No I mean, it seems like someone may have hacked his email account and sent that out. I mean think about it, why would he email you instead of calling you.

A: Do you really think someone is trying to scam people into sending money?

B: For sure! There are so many con artists out there, you never really know.

上一篇:外教讲解地道美语 第342期:Text Me 发短消息给我
下一篇:外教讲解地道美语 第344期:Urban Legends 都市传奇