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外教讲解地道美语 第336期:世界七大奇迹

Source: 恒星英语学习网   2012-03-11   论坛 Favorite 

 The 7 Wonders Of The World

A: Have you seen this news article? Apparently an organization has made a list to name the new seven wonders of the world and people could vote for them online.

B: Wow, that's really interesting. So who won?

A: Well, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India.

B: I've been there! It really is an amazing work of architecture and art. The entire complex is made of white marble and in the interior of the tomb, the walls are covered with gems and emeralds!

A: Cool! Also amongst the winners is Petra, in Jordan, Machu Picchu in Peru and the pyramid in Chichenitza in Mexico.

B: Wait a minute! It also says that the Christ Re-deemer statue in Brazil and the Colosseum in Rome are wonders. I would love to go to Italy and see the Colosseum, stand in the middle like a gladiator!

A: Well, let's see if we can find some cheap airfare and we can go towards the end of the year.

B: Good idea!

上一篇:外教讲解地道美语 第335期:Vaccinations 接种疫苗
下一篇:外教讲解地道美语 第337期:College Life 校园生活