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恒星英语学习网 2013年01月07日

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      [00:00.00]恒星英语学习网(hxen.com)amass-ancestor Animal testing
      [00:05.69]"It was always my ambition to be a research analyst"
      [00:10.95]studying amphibian anatomy for the benefit of mankind."
      [00:17.11]Said Dr.Cull to the high school students touring the laboratory.
      [00:23.28]"My ancestors were all scientists and my father taught me"
      [00:28.92]that it is simply amazing
      [00:32.57]to appreciate all of the anatomical detail in each creature.
      [00:38.22]There is nothing amorphous about them.
      [00:42.95]I also hope that through my research
      [00:47.20]we can understand the impacts of our society on these creatures
      [00:52.98]so that we can know how to ameliorate environmental problems
      [00:58.93]and amend our wrongs.
      [01:02.38]Frogs,for example, are an indicator of environmental pollution"
      [01:08.75]"You are very ambitious,Dr.Cull."
      [01:13.80]A bright, amber-haired girl said.
      [01:17.77]"So you are looking for analogies between animals and humans?"
      [01:23.72]"Yes,and there are already ample findingsamid the analogues we already have."
      [01:31.09]We know much about how anesthetics work,
      [01:36.65]for example,based on clinical trials with rats."
      [01:41.69]"Ooowww.I disagree with using animals for tests!"
      [01:47.47]Another student suddenly said.
      [01:51.12]"Some people think"
      [01:54.08]that the ethics of using animals for testing are fairly ambiguous.
      [02:00.01]But the amount of knowledge we have amassed about health,
      [02:05.57]vaccines,antibiotics etc.is incredible.
      [02:11.42]Many of your daily amenities are based on results from animal research.
      [02:17.90]There is really nothing amateurish or careless about animal testing."
      [02:25.16]Replied the Doctor.
      [02:28.04]"But I've seen videos"
      [02:33.50]of the amateur conditions in different research facilities
      [02:38.75]and things look pretty bad for animals."
      [02:42.72]Interjected yet another high school student.
      [02:47.16]"I see we've hit on an interesting topic."
      [02:51.52]Let's step into this conference room and discuss this further."
      [02:56.59]ancient-apparatus Animation announcement
      [03:03.95]Welcome to the 23rd Annual Animation Anniversary.
      [03:09.70]I'm Dick Proctor your host for the evening
      [03:14.74]and I'd like to open with a couple of words about recent developments.
      [03:17.62]首先我想 简单介绍一下最近的发展情况,
      [03:20.49]I don't have any funny anecdotes like I did last year;
      [03:26.55]I got myself in enough trouble with a of couple of those.
      [03:31.62]But you'll get plenty of comedy with our main speaker,
      [03:36.48]Mr.Jerry Sprainer.
      [03:39.72]I'm first proud to say that we have had appalling success
      [03:45.07]in computer animation over this past year.
      [03:49.83]Tiny boxes on our tables called computers
      [03:54.48]have replaced ancient techniques animation.
      [03:59.54]Tools we used ten years ago are on display at the local museum.
      [04:05.71]Drawing apparatus from five years ago
      [04:11.27]are collector's items with the status of antiques.
      [04:16.31]And that device I used last week has already tripled in price!
      [04:21.90]Some antagonism still remains
      [04:26.03]among a few an old-timers that we all still love,honor and respect,
      [04:32.80]but we all anticipate a bright future for animation on computers.
      [04:39.25]Anyway,I would now like to announce
      [04:43.40]the beginning of a new animation movie project set in the Antarctic
      [04:49.96]that will continue to merge traditional and computer animation.
      [04:55.42]This project has full funding,will test even newer technology
      [05:01.66]and,while the story is still only anecd-otal anticipation is great.
      [05:08.22]We hope to annihilate other movies released in competition
      [05:14.10]with this project at the box office.
      [05:18.25]Anyhow,if there are no further announcements,
      [05:22.98]and before they pull me off the stage,
      [05:26.92]I would like to introduce our main speaker,
      [05:31.18]a man for whom there is no apathy, Mr.Jerry Sprainer.
      [05:36.64]apparent-arable Apprentice interview
      [05:44.08]"Well Jim, you can approach my desk now."
      [05:48.66]I have done an appraisal of your application to be my apprentice,
      [05:54.22]and I have a few questions for you.
      [05:57.98]You don't seem to have any apparent experience
      [06:02.74]in working with large aquatic appliances.
      [06:07.31]You do know that the aquariums I clean and make
      [06:12.27]are not for goldfish or restaurant shelves,right?"
      [06:17.52]"Ummm.You mean you can put minnows in them too?"
      [06:23.16]"No.I mean they put sharks, manta rays, whales, and seals in them!"
      [06:30.92]Well,I applaud your effort
      [06:36.07]and appreciate your coming across town for this interview,
      [06:40.93]but you don't have the experience or aptitude
      [06:45.68]that is usually required for this type of apprenticeship.
      [06:50.83]I just can't approve hiring you."
      [06:55.19]"Thank you sir."
      [06:58.04]I am very appreciative of your apt assessment of my qualifications.
      [07:04.10]But I believe you are wrong
      [07:07.47]and I would like to appeal,uhhh,to you
      [07:12.22]to give me approval to at least be your apprentice
      [07:16.95]for an approximate test period.
      [07:20.71]I know I don't know anything about aquariums.
      [07:25.47]I don't even know an approximate amount of information about them!
      [07:30.93]I come from the desert where arable land is a rare thing.
      [07:37.38]But that's why I came to California, to work with water, sir.
      [07:44.14]And I know you approve of determination.
      [07:49.29]Well sir,I have that and I hope you will give me a try."
      [07:55.64]"Hmmm.Okay Jimmy, I'll take a risk and give you a try."
      [08:02.27]I will appoint you for a three-month test period.
      [08:08.02]We'll take a look at how you're doing in three months and go from there."
      [08:14.08]"Thank you sir! You won't be disappointed!"
      [08:18.23]arbitrary-ascertain An ancient arena
      [08:27.66]Welcome you students to this site.
      [08:32.39]Based on the archaeological evidence and artifacts we have found so far,
      [08:38.95]we can ascertain that there was once a great arena here.
      [08:44.23]Those arches over there were the main entrances
      [08:49.79]and these articles that we found over there
      [08:54.36]is the type once worn by gladiators.
      [08:58.41]Take a look at them. The color is still bright
      [09:04.08]because none of the dyes used then were artificial;
      [09:09.72]they were well processed and obviously permanent.
      [09:14.27]Now if we look at the land closer
      [09:20.43]we can see that the area where the land slopes up
      [09:25.47]is where the gladiators would ascend
      [09:29.31]to greet the leader of the tournament.
      [09:32.87]For many gladiators that was their last ascent ever,
      [09:38.32]they would never arise again.
      [09:41.88]This array of arbitrary items and weapons
      [09:47.44]found here in the center of the arena
      [09:51.28]arouses the idea in me that the battle was arduous.
      [09:56.72]Note how many are broken.
      [10:00.16]We can also see from these seeds that we can detect in lower layers of the soil,
      [10:08.34]that aromatic spices were used as part of the celebration
      [10:14.40]and spread throughout the arena.
      [10:18.16]This area was quite dry even back then,
      [10:23.31]these seeds must have come from a much more arboreal area.
      [10:29.19]Other similar archaeological sites
      [10:33.34]have seeds and artifacts from as far as the arctic region.
      [10:38.98]You may wonder why I can be so articulate
      [10:44.34]confident and ardent about this information.
      [10:48.78]Well,I'm not being arrogant,
      [10:52.90]this area was simply a main artery of civilization
      [10:58.57]and there are many other similar sites that I have researched
      [11:04.22]all of my life.
      [11:06.96]ascribe-astonish An asteroid
      [11:12.18]When the aspiring young man tried to assert his opinion
      [11:19.03]that an asteroid was going to destroy Earth the following year,
      [11:24.67]he was astonished to be kicked out of his association.
      [11:30.73]He thought he had assessed the situation clearly,
      [11:35.98]but he had been wrong to thinkthat the assorted
      [11:41.23]gentlemen would believe his core assumptions.
      [11:46.30]He tried to give assurances of their accuracy,
      [11:52.05]but the verbal assault on his theory made him feel
      [11:57.32]as if he had been assassinated.
      [12:01.16]As he walked out of the building he saw that his most valuable asset,
      [12:09.03]-his car, had been stolen.
      [12:13.00]With his aspirations crushed even further
      [12:18.64]he walked home to assemble what was left of his life.
      [12:23.78]He just couldn't stop thinking
      [12:27.73]that those men to whom he had ascribed such wisdom
      [12:33.48]were unable to assume an open mind to consider other ideas.
      [12:39.51]He had aspired so much for their respect,
      [12:45.07]to become assimilated with them.
      [12:48.60]The aspect of this experience that would stay with him the most, however,
      [12:54.84]was the humiliation.
      [12:58.19]But the day was not over yet.
      [13:04.07]As he turned the corner to his home he began to see the ash in the air.
      [13:10.41]When he looked up he saw that his house had been burned down.He was numb.
      [13:17.78]Luckily the neighbors came over,
      [13:22.22]put their arms around him
      [13:25.88]and assisted him to a nearby home to rest.
      [13:30.74]When the assessor came in to tell him that he didn't have fire insurance,
      [13:36.80]the young man went white.
      [13:40.27]When he was found dead the next morning,
      [13:44.92]the neighbors pooled together money to pay for his funeral.
      [13:49.96]The association promptly forgot him.
      [13:54.93]They only remembered him 10 months later
      [13:59.37]when the whole world saw with their own eyes
      [14:03.94]that an asteroid was heading straight for earth.
      [14:08.09]astound-authoritative An auction
      [14:17.63]Before we start today's auction
      [14:21.75]let me remind all participants
      [14:25.72]that experts who are authoritative in their fields have authenticatedeach item.
      [14:33.38]Tax attorneys will also be present at the end of the auction
      [14:39.91]to answer all tax and audit questions.
      [14:44.66]Please note that you can view close-ups of each item
      [14:51.04]on the audiovisual equipment attached to walls throughout the room.
      [14:56.89]Please keep the volume of the headsets just audible,however,
      [15:03.65]as not to disturb your neighbor.
      [15:07.31]I am now honored to say
      [15:10.47]that all auguries for this auction are excellent. Let us begin!
      [15:17.13]Our first item is an authentic atlas of the stars
      [15:22.70]drawn by a famous astronomer in the year 1414.
      [15:28.76]We were astounded to have this item be available to you all.
      [15:34.64]Are there any bids?
      [15:37.48]Ah yes,we start the bidding with the audacious former astronaut,
      [15:43.44]Buck Williams,at $ 25,000. Any others? Thank you, sir.
      [15:51.01]The bid is at $30,000.
      [15:54.96]Now we have $35,000 from the famous athlete Cal Ripken.
      [16:01.52]Yes sir, $ 38,000. Others?
      [16:06.79]And again from Mr.Williams we have $40,000.Any others?
      [16:13.95]Mr.Ripken you have attained the item of your choice.
      [16:18.81]The atlas is yours for $42,000.
      [16:23.54]I sense a slight asymmetry with your purchasing this item.
      [16:28.87]I was sure Mr.Williams would want to augment his collection,
      [16:34.43]but I guess your competitive attribut-es got the best of him this time.
      [16:40.18]But this is not an audition for who can compete the best, Mr.Williams.
      [16:47.26]Congratulations ! Now let us move to the next item in the auction.
      [16:53.92]authority-badminton After the avalanche
      [17:03.58]Mick averted his eyes
      [17:08.83]from the reflection of the sun bouncing off the Badge of the ski patrol captain.
      [17:15.70]"I don't know how it happened for sure." He said."
      [17:20.25]"I was walking up the mountain along the southern axis"
      [17:25.21]looking for alpine Bacteria
      [17:29.18]when I became aware of movement in the background.
      [17:33.94]Then,when I saw the avalanche I froze. It was an automatic response.
      [17:41.69]Luckily it missed me,but there must have been some kind of Backlash
      [17:48.04]because I was swept off my feet onto my backbone by something.
      [17:53.82]By then I woke up and you were here."
      [17:57.76]"Well you're lucky you're okay." Answered the captain."
      [18:03.40]"Others have been less fortunate."
      [18:06.93]Here,you can use my auxiliary skis to help you get down the mountain.
      [18:13.80]They're all I have available,
      [18:17.25]unless you want to try to walk down on a pair of badminton rackets.
      [18:23.20]Anyhow,you shouldn't come in this area again without being authorized.
      [18:29.86]This is an autonomous managed region
      [18:35.51]and local authorities are real hard-core about their autonomy.
      [18:41.25]In addition, they have noted that temperatures thisyear are higher than average.
      [18:48.33]This increases the risk of avalanches.
      [18:53.37]They don't have many avenues to spread this information and warn people
      [19:00.32]because the only way to get here is via aviation.
      [19:05.65]Their attempts to warn potential visitors were to no avail for you,
      [19:12.42]unfortunately,but they are starting to automate a process
      [19:18.58]for obtaining permits for others.
      [19:22.63]This will be a method for them to give weather warnings."
      [19:27.46]"Thanks." Mick said as he strapped on the skis."
      [19:33.03]"It's a beautiful area.I'll be Back for sure."
      [19:37.39]baffle-battery A balcony with a view
      [19:47.24]Dr.Martin watched the preparation for the banquet from the balcony.
      [19:54.89]His wife had banished him from helping because it was in his honor.
      [20:00.64]He wiped the sweat from his Bald head in frustration, however,
      [20:06.60]because he loved to bake and run the barbeque himself,
      [20:11.56]even as he loved to manage thedistribution of barrels of beer to the bar.
      [20:17.23]As he leaned on the barrier he heard a bark
      [20:21.67]and turned to look towards the river.
      [20:25.33]Another barge was floating by loaded upwith old,discarded car batteries.
      [20:32.27]A recent ballot to ban putting the trash in a local garbage dump
      [20:37.84]had failed
      [20:40.48]and the barge was taking its baggage up the river to the next town.
      [20:45.94]That city had baffled its own residents
      [20:50.19]by offering to accept the trash at a Bargain rate.
      [20:55.05]Apparently there was a large area of barren land
      [20:59.81]that they had not been able to use.
      [21:03.88]Now people marching in protest beset that city.
      [21:09.03]More people were jumping on the bandwagon each day.
      [21:14.49]The only winner was the barge company;
      [21:18.64]the deal had saved them from going bankrupt.
      [21:23.08]It was difficult to Balance
      [21:27.24]the needs of society with its desire to protect the environment,
      [21:32.70]thought the Dr. as he frowned.
      [21:36.46]We just have a way of battering this planet
      [21:41.03]even as we feel we need to live more comfortably.
      [21:45.68]Dr.Martin was brought back quickly to his setting, however,
      [21:51.32]when he heard a noise
      [21:54.27]and looked down to see that his wife had fallen down the basement steps.
      [21:59.60]He ran down to help. His banishment was certainly over now.
