
恒星英语学习网 2011年09月09日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

      Formulate a smoking policy for your office which is fair to both smokers and nonsmokers. Write a 40-50 word memo informing all staff of the policy.
      TO: All Employees
      FROM: CEO, Willan Smith
      For all the employees, especially smokers,[1] plz be aware that our company's new smoking policy has been formulated as follow: A main smoking area's going to be restricted before Next MONDAY[2], anyone is not allowed to smoker in non-smoking zone even in the washing room.[3]
      Plz target the smoking and non-smoking area and stick to the company's new policy.[4]
      [2]时间不确切,最好是 from next Monday. Before 这个期限是什么时候?如果不能给出确切信息,就不要说,还不如换成具体的吸烟区域更好: be restricted to the room next to the toilet.
      [4]添加:to ensure that it is fair to all of you.
      To: All staff
      From: Hope0068
      Everybody know that smoking is dangerous for your health. And the The studies didn't just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke--non-smokers, too. [1] Notice is hereby given that the smoking area is located in the special corner[2] of the first floor of this building. This come into force on[3] September 15th.
      [1]Memo 的主要作用就是提醒同事们注意事项,这和吸烟有多有害不相干,去掉。改为:to assure working environment
