
可可英语 2013年05月20日 18:34
      A. Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.
      B. Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.
      C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:
      1. Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.
      2. Give your comments.
      本题属于漫画类,画的是一只下蛋的母鸡,可笑的是母鸡手中拿着一份承诺书,旁边还有一首诗对漫画的内容进行了讽刺。对于漫画类题型,考生注意对漫画的描述不是最重要的,与之相比,揭示出其中的深刻寓意更为重要。本题的提纲要求两点:第一点是写出漫画所包含的信息;第二点是给出评论。总的说来,第一点是相当固定的,考生只要对漫画进行简单描述就可以了。需要提醒的是我们应着力描写母鸡手中的承诺书,而不需要将旁边的诗进行逐句翻译,不过诗歌的题目倒是可以借鉴——《如此承诺》,因此考生可以将本文的题目写成如My View on So called Promises等。提纲的第二点为考生留出了很大的想象的空间。诚信问题一直是社会热点问题,相信考生写作都会有很多的思路,只要选择自己能够驾驭的语言将其意义揭示出来,并发表自己的看法即可。考生可以从此种承诺产生的原因,和此种承诺的危害性等方面进行扩展。

      During the picture,the arthor make such a description as dragon boat race prevails in public,follwing a large crowd of audience enjoying the race,which is participated by a group of enthusiasts.And two aged uplookers appreciate that it's exhilariting that our dragon boat race is popularizing. I am in the middle of appreciation of that because of what are implied in the picture.That is our tradition is gearing up for absorbing young people,prevailing among the publicity and refreshing its glamour. It is no deny that we are conquring sacks of barricades on the way to refreshing our traditions,following the colliation of modern culture.In the retrospective years,the career of traditional culture development has ignited a spectrum of disscusion and stired up divided opinions,including despise that as well as consider it's promising. From my prospect,we have achieved a lot in the trip of reviving our traditional culture,but are still supposed to make every effort to arouse effective ideas to make it sustainable.Such figure as Li Ziqi is renown for display the beauty of Chinese tradition.
