
      [dī] [di]









      drop; droplet









      Sheclosed her eyes andtwolargetearsseepedfrombeneath her eyelids.




      If allowed tocome into contact with the skin, croton oilcausesblisteringandpainfulskinirritationwhich can last up to threeweeks.




      Through the wind,missingin the slidebetween Zhifeng,searching all over Qianshanwanshui, remainsin the blood.




      These particles nowstick much better to the dropletsthan to the substrate, and alightdrizzleisenough to fullyclean the surface.




      strike the arc,thenlift the electrodeup for a momentortwo,allowingafewdropsofelectrode to fall from the tip.




      Theon drained the lastdregsofhisaleandrosereluctantly to his feet.




      How muchdewwouldadewdropdrop if a dewdrop could dropdew?




      However,in the eyesof Rose,Carlisafullsnob, she do not want to marryhimfrom the bottom of my heart.




      Sommelierisamoredetailedwork,should be carefulnot to pour winefortheguests do not sprinkledrops,many do not overflow.




      Tears distilled slowlyfromhereyes.

