
      [zhuǎi] [zhuǎn] [zhuàn]






      change; shift; transfer; turn


      revolve; rotate; turn; swivel


      transmit; transfer; passon








      全部,transfer,turn,change,rotate,revolutionroll,to turn,shift



      Mr Kim's operatives thenwithdrew the money -incash, in ordernot to leaveapapertrail-and transferred it to banksin Luxembourg.




      And there were alwaysafew whores aboutwho,for a glass of beer or a cup of Coffee,wouldsit and chew the fat withyou.




      Itmovedto tvOne in February,thesecondtime it has switched channels, after its previousbroadcastersfound it a bit toohotto handle.




      andturnedtohis work with the air of aman who had been confronted with aproblemtooabstruse for solution.




      When atlasthestood upon the bluff,heturnedto his little sister and looked upon her sorrow fully.




      If you needtomove into anotherlane,firstlookto see that it is safe to doso, remembering to use the mirror.




      As Iturned back around toseeifI had cut offthekitchenlight I saw the covered bird cage in the living room.




      Galileo got itwrong. The earth does notrevolvearound the sun. It revolves aroundyouand has been doing so for decades.




      For a while hewassilent, as ifwaiting for meto raise thesubject of Steenie, and helphim.




      Hesaid his centerhadtoturnawaythree or fourpatients for every one acceptedbecauseinsurers would not pay.

