
      [háng] [hàng] [héng] [xíng] [xìng]






      line; row


      trade; profession; lineofbusiness








      behaviour; conduct





      do; perform; carryout; engagein




      becurrent; prevail; circulate


      beallright; O.K



      capable; competent


      temporary; makeshift






      全部,row,line,travel,conduct,do,go,performcarry out,capable,competent,temporary,column,rows,all right



      Judge: Of coursenot. All right, in the matter of the trashcanand the shoes,Ifindyouguilty, andyouareabaddog.




      Some, doubtless,wereno better than tramps, readytodigaholeinanybank and stay only as long as it suited them.




      Mr Blankfein hasa strong recordasarisk-managerandhasensured that thebank has a massivecash horde tohelpit trade throughacrisis.




      The numberofrows that thistableproduces is proportional to the number of rules in the rule set,and is usuallysmall.




      Wouldyou possibly be willing toletmego with just awarningthis time?




      Butnowyou have a desiretoputme to death, a man who has said to youwhat is true, as Ihadit from God: Abraham did notdo that.




      Along the way, the stranger'sin a hurry to see,or pledge down the sidewalk, ordrivefastran to the destination.




      IfI see her in my mind`s eye as she was then,she doesn`t haveaface at all, and I have toreconstructit.




      And on the eighth daytheycametocircumcise the little child, and they tried to callhimafter the nameof his father, Zachariah.




      Thebankdeclinedtocomment on how anyinsideinformationmight have been leaked to oneofitsemployees.

