






      should; oughtto









      mostlikely; probably; oughtto; should



      this; that; theabove-mentioned; thesaid






      全部,this,that,the above-mentioned,should,deserve,owe,ought to,most likely,probablya surname,The,GET,goi



      Thecourt argued that "incrementalinnovation" did not qualify it as a newchemical entity justifyingprotection.




      When trying to decidewhetheranobjectwillfloatinwater, you need to know whether its density is greater or lessthan that ofwater.




      Beingauthentic alleviates the mentalandemotionalexerciseof trying toremember who you are supposed to beinany given situation.




      Themaidwalkedto the side of the vessel to look over,whenall at once the childsprangout of herarms, and fell into the waterbelow.




      Thescheme is opentoEUcountries that do notuse the euro:PolandandSwedensay they willsign up to it;Britain says it will not.




      Forherparents,allowinghertostartcollegeatsucha youngagewasnot an easy decision.




      It was a risk for me to pushheralongthis path-what ifsome snarky high schooler didmake funofherefforts?




      It began to,makesense to me thatIcould include praisealong with constructivecriticism.IGOTthe idea fromapoem I read.




      The practicalapplication states that this kind ofproduct can wildly usedinconstruction structure, sc. . .




      The numericalsimulationresults applied toareal-world bridgedemonstrated that theparameterscanquicklyconverge to the actualvalues.

