人人说英语(高级口语) 1_un6-10

恒星英语学习网 2009年10月24日

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]Unit 6 Holidays
      [00:13.51]With Christmas Cards(E)
      [00:16.95]Sally was taking a shower when her two-year-old daughter
      [00:22.99]Susie,came into the bathroom and wrapped herself in toilet paper
      [00:29.44]Although Susie made a mess,she looked cute,
      [00:35.00]so Sally ran for her camera and took a few pictures.
      [00:40.78]The pictures came out so well that she had copies made
      [00:47.62]and included one with each of their Christmas cards
      [00:53.08]Days later,a relative talked about the picture
      [00:58.64]laughing loudly and suggesting Sally take a closer look
      [01:06.19]Sally stared at the photo
      [01:10.27]and was shocked to find that in addition to her daughter
      [01:15.60]she had captured her own reflection in the mirror-wearing nothing but panties!
      [01:23.25]Unit 7 Home and Family
      [01:37.62]My Dog (E)
      [01:40.36]When I come home,my dog always runs to the front door to greet me
      [01:46.42]On warm days,he lies on the cool grass
      [01:53.08]On hot days,he drinks lots of water and lies under a tree
      [01:59.85]He always takes naps and stretches before rising
      [02:04.81]He delights in the simple joys of a long walk
      [02:09.78]When he is happy ,he dances around and wags his entire body
      [02:15.94]When I'm having a bad day,he is silent,sits close by and nuzzles my leg gently
      [02:26.47]Mr.Brown lying on his deathbed,barely able to breathe
      [02:33.13]At this moment,the smell of freshly baked cookies comes to him
      [02:40.57]He has always liked home-made cookies and thinks to himself,
      [02:47.42]'If I could just have one more cookie,I could die in peace!"
      [02:54.37]He calls to his wife but his voice is so weak that she cannot hear him.
      [03:02.31]Not getting an answer,he slides out of the bed and onto the floor
      [03:10.48]Down the hall and down the stairs he goes ever so slowly.
      [03:17.85]At the bottom of the stairs he pulls himself along painfully
      [03:24.80]crwling hand over hand closer to that heavenly smell
      [03:31.77]He drags himself across the living room into the dining room
      [03:38.44]Making one great final effort,
      [03:42.98]he throws himself toward the dining table landing on his knees
      [03:50.03]His dry lips part,and the taste of the cookies is already in his mouth
      [03:57.61]seemingly bringing him back to life
      [04:03.07]He reaches across the table and grabs the plate of the cookies
      [04:09.60]As he drags the plate towards himself,it makes a scraping sound
      [04:16.37]and suddenly he hears his wife yell from the kitchen
      [04:22.01]"Don't touch the cookies.They're for the funeral!"
      [04:27.05]Unit 8 Jobs and Occupations
      [04:42.59]You're Fired(E)
      [04:45.75]As a woman comes into the store,Jim turns to the other salesman and says,
      [04:53.59]"I waited on the last fat ugly old lady.This one's your turn."
      [05:00.64]His boss is standing behind him,very angry.
      [05:06.10]Jim is shocked to find that the fat lady is the manager's wife
      [05:13.08]and he's kissing her hello right now
      [05:17.83]while his boss is at lunch
      [05:22.09]Jim sneaks into his office and looks at some information on the boss's computer
      [05:29.64]He spills coffee on the keyboard.It shorts out
      [05:35.70]He returns from a week's vacation
      [05:40.06]to find that he had scheduled this week as vacation,
      [05:45.84]not last week. And that's why Jim gets fired.
      [05:51.48]All Right,Get In(M)
      [05:54.95]A strong young man at the construction site was bragging
      [06:00.52]that he could do better than anyone in a feat of strength
      [06:04.96]He made fun of one of the older workmen
      [06:08.74]After several minutes,the older worker had had enough
      [06:14.00]"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is,"he said.
      [06:19.27]"I will bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a cart
      [06:24.91]over to that building that you won't be able to wheel back."
      [06:29.77]"You're on,old man,"the young man replied."Let's see what you've got."
      [06:35.65]The old man reached out and grabbed the cart by the handles
      [06:40.51]Then,nodding to the young man,he said,"All right,get in."
      [06:46.47]A Bab Day(M)
      [06:49.91]Henry worked in a small shop on the other side of town 