英语专四模拟题之词汇语法 第69期

可可听力网 2015年05月15日 15:06:00

      1.Our civilization cannot be thought of as ___ in a short period of time.
      A.to have been created
      B.to be created
      C.having been created

      D.being created

2.I'd just as soon you ___ these important documents with you now.
      A.don't take
      B.didn't take
      C.hadn't take

      D.were not taking

      3.___ the two, Tom is ___ boy.

      A.Of,more intelligent
      B.In,more intelligent
      C.Of,the more intelligent

      D.In,the more intelligent

      4.I have dreaded traveling by airplane ___ I read about all those crashes two years ago.

      C.ever since

      D.as soon as

      5.A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, ___?

      A.need it
      B.needn't it
      C.does it
      D.doesn't it