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  • v.

    [法律](原告对被告)答辩( reply的现在分词 );反响;作答;(以行动)做出反应

  • 双语释义

    1. vi.& vt. 回答,答复say or make an answer, in speech or writing
    2. vi. 作答,回答give an answer in the form of an action; respond
    1. [C][U]回答,答复sth said, written or done as a way of replying


    reply[ ri'plai ]

    • n.
      • a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation


      • the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange

        "he growled his reply"


    • v.reply or respond to




    用作动词 (v.)
    • reply absolutely坚决地回答
    • reply accurately准确地回答
    • reply admirably极为成功地答复
    • reply affectionately深情地回答
    • reply affirmatively肯定地回答
    • reply angrily生气地回答
    • reply aptly恰当地答复
    • reply bitingly尖刻地回答
    • reply bluntly直率地回答
    • reply bravely勇敢地答复
    • reply briefly简略地回答
    • reply casually漫不经心地回答
    • reply coldly冷淡地回答
    • reply completely圆满地回答
    • reply comprehensively全面地回答
    • reply correctly正确地回答
    • reply courteously有礼貌地回答
    • reply crisply爽快地回答
    • reply curtly草率无礼地回答
    • reply darkly无知地回答
    • reply decisively决定性地回答
    • reply definitely明确地回答
    • reply deftly巧妙地回答
    • reply directly直接地回答
    • reply dryly枯燥乏味地回答
    • reply dubiously不可靠地回答
    • reply economically节省地回答
    • reply effectively给人印象深刻地回答
    • reply emphatically有力地回答
    • reply excitedly激动地回答
    • reply explicitly清楚地回答
    • reply faithfully忠实地回答
    • reply fantastically荒谬地回答
    • reply firmly坚决地回答
    • reply fitly适度地答复
    • reply fully充分地答复
    • reply gravely严肃地答复
    • reply hastily草率地回答
    • reply haughtily轻蔑地回答
    • reply hoarsely沙哑地答复
    • reply hotly激烈地答复
    • reply hysterically歇斯底里地答复
    • reply immediately立即答复
    • reply impertinently傲慢地回答
    • reply impolitely毫无礼貌地答复
    • reply incoherently语无伦次地回答
    • reply indignantly威严地答复
    • reply knowingly老练地答复
    • reply laboriously努力地答复
    • reply laughingly笑着答复
    • reply listlessly无精打采地答复
    • reply magnanimously大度地答复
    • reply mechanically呆头呆脑地答复
    • reply meekly温顺地回答
    • reply modestly谦虚地回答
    • reply nervously不安地回答
    • reply orally口头回答
    • reply passionately热情地回答
    • reply perfectly完善地回答
    • reply persistently固执地回答
    • reply philosophically哲学上的回答
    • reply politely有礼貌地回答
    • reply promptly立即答复
    • reply proudly自豪地回答
    • reply quickly很快地回答
    • reply readily做好准备地回答
    • reply relevantly中肯地回答
    • reply reluctantly勉强地回答
    • reply respectfully尊敬地回答
    • reply rudely粗鲁地回答
    • reply sensibly明智地回答
    • reply seriously认真地回答
    • reply sharply厉声回答
    • reply shortly唐突地回答
    • reply simply简单地回答
    • reply slowly慢条斯理地回答
    • reply snappishly辛辣地回答
    • reply solemnly庄严地回答
    • reply stubbornly顽强地回答
    • reply tartly尖刻地回答
    • reply tersely简短地回答
    • reply thoughtfully若有所思地回答
    • reply tremulously大胆地回答
    • reply triumphantly得意洋洋地回答
    • reply truthfully真诚地回答
    • reply uncomfortably不自在地回答
    • reply unconcernedly漠不关心地回答
    • reply unhesitatingly即刻回答
    • reply verbally口头回答
    • reply warmly热情地回答
    • reply wistfully若有所思地回答
    • reply by blow回击
    • reply by letter回信
    • reply for代表…作答复〔致答词〕
    • reply for the school board代表校务委员会致答词
    • reply in a low voice低声回答
    • reply in the affirmative肯定地回答
    • reply to回答…
    • reply to a letter回信
    • reply to a person回答某人
    • reply to a question回答问题
    • reply to a salutation答礼
    • reply to a toast答谢祝酒
    • reply to the enemy's fire还击敌人的炮火
    • reply with spirit起劲地回答
    用作名词 (n.)
    • await reply盼复
    • cable a reply拍电报答复
    • calculate reply预测答案
    • deign reply给予答复
    • delay reply推迟答复
    • demand reply要求答复
    • desire reply望答复
    • draw a reply引出回答
    • elicit a reply引起反应
    • evoke reply使回答
    • furnish reply提供答复
    • get a reply得到答复
    • give no reply不作答
    • have reply给予答复
    • hear reply听见答复
    • make reply答复
    • need reply需要答复
    • offer reply作答
    • probe reply细查回信
    • propose reply答复
    • provoke reply使回答
    • receive a reply得到答复
    • rejoin reply使答复一致
    • send a reply寄回信
    • wire a reply拍电报答复
    • write a reply写回信,写回复
    • absent-minded reply心不在焉的回答
    • affirmative reply肯定的答复
    • angry reply气愤的回答
    • apt reply恰当的答复
    • brief reply简要的回答
    • categorical reply详细的答复
    • chary reply谨慎的答复
    • cold reply冷淡的答复
    • conclusive reply确定的答复
    • correct reply正确的回答
    • definite reply明确的答复
    • discourteous reply无礼的回答
    • frank reply率直的回答
    • good-humored reply幽默的回答
    • gracious reply亲切的答复
    • haughty reply傲慢的回答
    • humble reply谦逊的回答
    • immediate reply立即答复
    • impatient reply不耐烦的回答
    • impolite reply不礼貌的答复
    • incoherent reply语无伦次的回答
    • intelligent reply聪明的答复
    • modest reply谦虚的回答
    • negative reply否定的答复
    • obvious reply清楚的回答
    • oral reply口头答复
    • proper reply适当的答复
    • ready reply立即回答
    • rude reply粗鲁的答复
    • short reply简短的答复
    • silly reply愚蠢的答复
    • sound reply适当的答复
    • stinging reply尖刻的回答
    • succinct reply简明的回答
    • terse reply简短生硬的回答
    • unexpected reply突然的答复
    • vague reply含糊其辞的回答
    • witty reply巧妙的回答
    • in reply (to)作为答复
    • nod in reply点头作答
    • under reply所答复的…
    • with reply请复函
    • a reply from sb某人的答复
    • reply to one's letter回信


    in reply作为答复

    no reply无回答,无应答

    reply for代表…作答

    reply immediately速复

    new reply新回复


    1. What a sage reply you gave!
    2. He gave me no chance to reply to his question.
    3. I'm rather hazy about how to reply.
    4. It's very odd that she didn't reply to our letter.
    5. It is odd that they did not reply our letter.
    6. She is the only person who reply to the invitation.
    7. He disdained to reply to the insult.
    1. Thank you for your prompt reply to our telegram.
    2. His evasive reply prompted me to ask him another question.
    3. The softness of his reply calmed her down.
    4. She sneered her contempt for his reply.
    5. The telegram asked for an instant reply.


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