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24-02-18 15:36发布于 广东 来自 iPhone客户端
林俊杰超话//@林俊杰:Thank you for trying brother! You were so on point with your Mandarin! I’m sure the Chinese fans loved it! Till the next one, Happy Birthday! 謝謝你兄弟! 你的中文唱得真好!我代表所有的粉絲謝謝你!期待下一次合作,生日快樂🎂!
I had the honour of having the amazing @林俊杰on stage last night in Singapore. Me and the band had learnt one of his biggest hits, Twilight, for the show, but because it was entirely in Mandarin, I felt like I didn’t want to mess it up, or be disrespectful by by getting it wr ​​​​...展开全文c
