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CVNTY - out now.
CVNTY - 发行了.
9 years of “The Original High” today! Thank you to everyone who has been part of this ride with me, it’s amazing to see how this album still resonates with you today. Whats your favorite song?
“The Original High” 发行 9 周年了! 感谢每一位和我一起走过这段旅程的人,这张专辑至 ​​​​...展开全文c
“Wet Dream” live video from Weho Pride now
在Weho Pride"Wet Dream"的现场表演
Whataya Want From Me (2024) with @TERRYZHONG钟天利and @WILLIM缪维霖is out now!
与Terry Zhong和Willim 合作的Whataya Want From Me (2024) 发行了! #亚当发新歌了#
网易云音乐: ​​​​...展开全文c
Sharing my makeup tutorial& beauty must-haves with Billboard. 💋
跟Billboard 分享我的美妆教程和美妆好物. 💋
Happy belated Dragonboat festival ✨ My new remix of Whataya Want From Me will be out tomorrow, hope you will like it!
迟到的端午节快乐 ✨ 明天Whataya Want From Me新的remix会上线, 希望你们会喜欢!
WeHo Pride, you all brought the fire! 😈 It was amazing to perform ‘Lube’ live for the first time, your energy was electrifying! AFTERS drops July 19th, let’s keep the party going! 💦
WeHo Pride, 你们让屋顶着火! 很激动第一次现场表演'Lube', 你们的能量令人振奋(你是电你是光) ​​​​...展开全文c
What is your favorite part of my performance?
some extra shots from my cover shoot for los Angeles Magazine on stands now!
💄Hair& Makeup by Adam Lambert

我为Los Angeles Magazine 拍摄的额外杂志封面照已上架!
💄发型师和化妆师是我自己 ​​​​
Hi China, this is Adam Lambert! Thank you so much for your support❤️ Follow me on Weibo for more updates and I ll promise I will be back ✨
Hi 中国的朋友们, 我是Adam Lambert! 谢谢你们一路的支持❤️ 关注我的微博可以看到我的更多动态, 我一定会再次回来✨ #亚当微博更新#​​​​...展开全文c
5月24日 01:03来自 iPad mini已编辑
Just finished rehearsal for Singer 2024. Very happy to be back here in China and have loved being able to meet some of you fans. Had some delicious noodles today and got to explore a bit of Changsha. Can’t wait for the show tomorrow! #歌手2024#
刚刚完成了歌手的彩排. 非常开心可以 ​​​​...展开全文c
