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Hello my noodles babiesi have a surprise for you ! This is my hoodie 🫶🏼 i made it and i really love it so if you want it don’t hesitate ❤️Tahiticurl超话​​​​
Hello hello noodles babies 🫶🏼Tahiticurl超话​​​​
For the 100k ill do the live tomorrow 🫰🏼🫰🏼🫰🏼♥️ thanks my noodles 🍜 ​​​​
Almost 100,000 there’s gonna be a live broadcast when I’ll hits it ​​​​
I wanted to thanks my Captain who trusted me till the end also made me back in the journey 🫶🏼 @VanNess吳建豪谢谢哥哥 ​​​​
Thanks for everything bro you made my journey incredible ​​​​
#街舞6半决赛突围战##这就是街舞#This is the first time I've come to SDC stage,It was the first time I danced with so many outstanding people.It also has my own Chinese name - lan se pao mian🍜I'm not a baby anymore, the baby has grown.Thank you very much for your love of me[心]​​​​...展开全文c
#吴建豪战队全员上阵##吴建豪队望星辰舞台人形旋转木马#The war horse is coming, and all the staff are fighting! This "Cloud Piercing Arrow", composed of 7 of us, is invincible on the stage, and it has long been said that you will only have our horse in your mind tonight, are you afr ​​​​...展开全文c
