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您的位置: 首页> 热门标签总共有: 1271条记录
  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-30)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I am Barbara Klein.The Obama administration is pushing for improved relations with China. Hosting a meeting this week between US and Chinese

    2009-07-30 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-29)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I'm Craig Windham.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the Obama Administration has managed to build coalitions to help pressure Iran and

    2009-07-29 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-28)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I’m Craig Windham.President Obama says small businesses need some help in offering health insurance benefits to employees. He cites a new Wh

    2009-07-28 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-27)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I'm Jack Speer. President Obama expressed regret today for saying the Cambridge police acted stupidly when they arrested Harvard Professor H

    2009-07-27 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-26)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I’m Jack Speer. The top Senate Democrat, majority leader Harry Reid made it official today there will not be a vote by the full Senate on re

    2009-07-26 编辑:echo

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-24)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I am Jack Speer.President Obama remains on the offensive today in terms of defending his health care overhaul plan, saying that critics of th

    2009-07-24 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-23)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I’m Jack Speer.President Obama again called for action on his proposed health care overhaul plan, saying the government can revamp the curre

    2009-07-23 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-22)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I'm Craig Windham.White House budget director Peter Orszag is defending President Obama's plan to overhaul the nation's healthcare system

    2009-07-22 编辑:vicki

  • [NPR在线听2009年7月]NPR在线听附文本(2009-7-21)

    提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛From NPR News in Washington, I'm Craig Windham.President Obama is trying to build public support for his plan to overhaul the nation’s health care system to help counte

    2009-07-21 编辑:vicki