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  • n.长蝽科
  • 网络长椿科;长椿象科;半翅目长蝽科
  • 英英释义

    lygaeidae[ lai'dʒi:idi: ]

    • n.lygaeid bugs

      同义词:family Lygaeidae



    A Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the WorldA Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World. (To the Memory of Harry Gardner Barber), 1-2.Life table for the black bean bug: Chauliops nigrescens Distant (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) on French beanSimple Method for Rearing the Insect Predator Geocoris punctipes (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) on a Meat DietDifferences in the Life Tables of Tropical and Temperate Milkweed Bugs, Genus Oncopeltus (Hemiptera:Lygaeidae)Development and determination of hairs and bristles in the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Lygaeidae, Hemiptera)Development and determination of hairs and bristles in the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Lygaeidae, Hemiptera).Residual Toxicity of Selected Insecticides to Heteropteran Predaceous Species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae, Nabidae, Pentatomidae) on Soy...Prolonged copulation: A male ‘postcopulatory’ strategy in a promiscuous species, Lygaeus equestris (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)Phenological development and seasonal distribution of the rutherglen bug, Nnysius vinitor Bergroth (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), on vario...