






      return; goback


      answer; reply


      circle; wind

















      全部,return,reply,answer,circle,time,chapter,the Hui nationality,a surname,back,fro,gyrus



      Backups at eachstage of your migration enable youtorollback to a specificpointintime of your migrationprocess.




      In the spring, the newcalveswouldbebrandedandturnedoutwith the rest of the cattletogrow fat on the summer grass in the mountains.




      The temple where wemeetinTokyowas his templebeforehetookthepositionin Kamakura andhelikestovisit it atfrequentintervals.




      Iwanted to see his face, to see ifhe'dgoneback to thecold,indifferentpersonI'd known for the lastseveralweeks.




      You did notselectamodeof that remote control.Pleaseuse %1,or revert backtoselect a differentmode.




      "Did yourbrotherentrustanything to you to takeback to England?"saidhe.



      Wehave moved forward with an effort to see that justice is doneforthosewelost, and we willnotrest until that work is done.




      Shewasreferringtohis murder in1980, when he wasshotas he and Ms. Ono returned to the Dakota from the recording studio.




      He uncapped one of the jars and passed it to Raley, who sniffed the contents, then shook his head and passed it back.




      Then Herodand his soldiers ridiculed andmockedhim.Dressinghim in an elegant robe,theysent him backtoPilate.

