
      [de] [dì] [di]






      land; soil


      ground; floor


      background; ground


      place; site


      place; locality




      position; situation










      Heusedtospendtheentireclass just sneakingglancesather,admiringherbeautifulface,andpicturing himself with her.




      Figures 5 and6allowyou to get agreaterideaof the walldisplay in use,and also giveyouasense of the scale of the display.




      Look,youare always like this.Ikindlytakeyouout for shopping, however you managedtomakeme mad.




      AndIsuspect that thescare is at least partlyaboutpoliticsratherthaneconomics.




      Whenhe had entered the brotherhood he had feltlikeaman who confidentlyputs his footdownon the smoothsurfaceofabog.




      One of the classictechniquesusedtomeasurea person'swillingness to behave in autilitarianway is known as trolleyology.




      President kept up a sly occasional acquaintance withher,when out of the jurisdiction of his ladies.




      'Youcaneasilytriple your investment, ' shesays. That'sbetterthanany of mymutualfundshavedonelately.Breakouttheolive oil.




      He is saddened toseetwo marines wholed the force at the front linessinceRoger'sagestepping down.




      Onlytwostray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of thecake.

