

      [duì yú]






      to; for; about; withregardto; towards; on



      全部,for,to,about,on,in regard to,with regard to,towards



      It's beena while since Irespond to your message.Iguessbecause I havenot been able to helpout any activitythatyouareplanning.




      How much do youknowabout the school?




      For all you fans of otherpackagingsystems,before you send your flames,pleasenote that Isaid"one of" and not simply "themost. "




      Remember: A redflagmeans that itisdangerousforyouto go intothewater. A blueflagmeans that it is dangerousforchildren.




      It'sbeen a particularly bloodyweekevenby the standards of Tijuana, a key transit pointfordrugs trafficked to the United States.




      The pre-upgrade stagesare critically important for a smoothupgrade,andmostof the work takes place in the stepsbeforeproduction.




      A majorityofthescientistsbelieve that newscoverageis at best fairand that the mediadoespoorly at educating the general public.




      Therewasatime, not so longago, when any Chelseasupporter would be ecstatic about that prospect.




      Over the course of aweek, as each new roseopens,a mystery is played out.For three dollars, that mystery is the world'sbestbargain.




      Twoassumptionsunderpinnedreactionstothefirstseriousattack on the US mainlandsince the Britishsacked the White House in 1814.

