






      suppose; reckon; consider; think


      think; ponder


      rememberwithlonging; miss


      wantto; wouldliketo; feellike (doingsth.)



      全部,think,suppose,miss,consider,want,think of,thought



      I did notwant to complain about anybody,becauseallthis there has never been wrong,including their own.




      But both are driven by a desire to seetheircountryprosper from domestically developedtechnology.




      Iwishitwere so. At yourageyououghttobegrowingaway from your parents. Youshould be learning to stand On your ownfeet.




      Then he walked out of thestore with the pair of pantsanddisappeared before the surprisedstoreownercould think of anything tosay.




      Bozo seemedaninterestingman, and Iwas anxious toseemoreofhim.




      It isn't worth it. Had my shirt showed my bosom,Imighthavebeen raped.




      He givesus another attacking optionand I thinkwe missed him in the side.




      She's only trying to help,so don't thinkbadly of her.



      We appreciate your feedback, but if it's toovaguewe won't understandwhatyou're trying totellus!




      Time,Itookyou can only go one way,you have gonethrough my life,I would like to peerwith you, but unable to retain you.

