

      [huái yí]





      distrust; doubt; suspect; besuspiciousof/about; question



      distrust; doubt; suspicion; question



      全部,doubt,suspect,question,distrust,suspicion,in doubt,discredit,suspicious of



      The overalleffect,however, was the spread of confusionamong the publicand an increaseindoubtaboutclimatechange.




      Investigatorssuggestthat some sort ofmedicalsyringewasused for the majority of the deaths, Possibly poisoninjection.




      Shesaid she wasdissatisfiedwith maintenance at the station andquestionedwhethertaxpayer money was being spent effectively.




      Elinor thenventured to doubt the proprietyofherreceiving such apresentfromamansolittle,orat least so latelyknown to her.




      The second-hand marketplace is often where counterfeiterssellfakestounsuspectingcustomers.




      Unlessyoulook at him,wonder at him,write paragraphs about him, he cannotlive.



      Imetanumber of the senior Senoussi claninTripoliand have nodoubttheywould be ready to assume leadership of anti-Gadaffi forces.




      ShefeltthatifI were completelyremissinreligious conformity it wouldcastdoubtupon the staunchnessofherfaith.




      AndIsaid,OK,it's a Nazi, there's nodoubt in my mind.




      People who doubtcanhavegreatfaithbecausefaithissomething you do,not something you think.

