






      perhaps; maybe; probably



      or; either... or...



      〈书〉someone; somepeople



      全部,or,either… or…,perhaps,maybe,probablysome people,and,no,to



      Thekeyistoknow how much of somethingwecanhave(especiallyifit's loaded with sugarorcaffeine).




      The portion of an asset's costexpectedtoberecovered through saleor trade-in of the assetat the end of its useful life.




      Instead,shesaid, minoroffenders might begiven the optionofmandatoryvolunteerworkin a nurseryorfarminstead of a jail sentence.




      He had been able to go overthefigurevisitingeachpointbutnot going over anylinetwiceorliftinghispencilfrom the page.




      The STS is used to helptwoor more parties securely exchangesecuritycredentials by establishing"trust" in a brokered trustrelationship.




      Iftwoor more developersmakechanges that update the refactoringlog, the changesto the logfilemust be merged.




      A condition, space, orenclosure in which airorothergas is at a pressuregreater than that of the outside atmosphere.




      There is no doubtthatlosinga child is averysad and tragiceventforanyparent,Muslim or not.




      Stars were oftentypecast and ifheorsheappealed to thepublicasalover,thenheorshealwaysplayed the partof a lover.




      A suddenfall in saleswillleavethemwithoutcash at a time when bankoverdrafts are hard to secureor to increase.

