

      [lǚ guǎn]





      hotel; tavern






      after all,Ijust had one free night.Isat down in the manager'schairagaintousehiscomputerandfoundafamilyhotelnear Hyde Park.




      However, Iknewtherewasat least one hotelinaplacecalled Calafat.




      Hedecided to ask the landlord about it the next day.




      What was thenameof the hotelhe had stayed in the lasttimehe was in Peking?




      A fine-looking gentle man sat down in the main dining room of an expensivehotel.




      Themain"thumbsdown"formewas that there was notourassistancelocatedwithin the motel.




      How much do youthinkahotelcosts?




      Karen Straw hadleft her husband,Clifton,in1984, afterathree-yearmarriage, and moved with her to a welfarehotel.




      Youknow, the costofasmallerstandat the exhibition,just the twohotelrooms, and alower key reception.




      A cheerful sightperhaps,but to meit seemed like the publicward in a hospital. The proprietor didn't seem to have all his wits either.

