

      [yī tiān] [yì tiān]






      〈方〉thewholeday; allday (long); frommorningtillnight









      全部,all day,from morning till night,One Daya day,HARU



      Wedecide how manydaysweneed. How much is aporter for one day?




      S: I'm sorry.Thatmust have really been a nightmarishdayforyouandyourfamily.




      Ibelievethatsomedaythisdoorwillopenfor me,ifI did not that day, I would sincerelyhope that the doorsafteryou.




      The personrecording the lengthofsunshineina single daywouldsimplyaddup the length of the burnmarkstomeasure the sunshine.




      One morning, the littlegirlwalkedin on them and found a strangewomanbesideherfatherinbedwhileJanewas in the bathroom.




      How muchprotein does the average guy need?




      I went to the cinema the other dayandin the front rowwasan old manand with him was his dog.




      Hesaidhe couldn't have classesbecause he wasill, butIfeelsomethingfishy and think he went tosee the lastdayof the match.




      If it did,Iwillhave to be honestwithyou-it would be REALhardforme to be positiveafter having a daylikethat one.




      One day,sheheld up her cameratotake pictures of the childrenatplay.Suddenly the young onesbegan to shoutinprotest.

