






      traditional; old


      old; outdated


      oflongstanding; old


      aged; Liveandlearn.


      hardened; tough


      (ofcolour) dark; deep


      decrepit; useless









      shortforLaoZi --thefounderofTaoism








      always (doingsth.)







      全部,old,aged,traditional,tough,long,always very,old people,senior,vieux,Dear



      "God damneddog!"hesaid. "Damnedold cur, " wipingtheslushfrom his worthlesscoat. "I -- I hired suchpeopleasyouonce. "




      Why?Fromshape, stuff, fittings, fuller, patina, rustcolourorotherdoubtful points. Please point it out.




      MisterSimpsonisnothing special asaboss,butIcantellyouI've worked for people alotworse.




      It was nearthatold and sunkengrave,yetwithaspacebetween, as if the dust of the twosleepers had no right to mingle.




      Poplarleavesa bityellow,thewind blowing,poplarstaggered, as ifithasold, had waddled.




      Daisy was one of the last ones off the plane.She was walkingwithanelderlywoman.




      "Hesaidhewouldgiveus his last penny," Chen said.




      YoualreadyknowI have never been a fan of George Bush norhisfather- whose improprietiesareendless.




      Thirteenyears on, it has come to be a much lessforgivable name foranyoldfool in possessionof an ego and ablog.




      And hesaid to his sons,"Saddle the donkeyforme."Sotheysaddled the donkey for him and he mounted it.

