






      walk; go


      leave; depart; goaway






      leak; letout; reveal


      departfromtheoriginal; changeorlosetheoriginalshape, flavour, colour, etc.


      visit; callon


      passthrough; getpast






      this moves pieces ofITawayfromindividualapp owners andintoacentralizedarchitecturegroup. . .




      Before hebegantoeat his apples,hestoodupandwalked to the pictureandlookedat it carefully.




      However, theytook the moneyfor the passportoutof my account 2 months ago, causing meto go overdrawn, and not pay my travelinsurance.




      Dontforgettomorrow night date. And remember off duty, wait for me to callyou to leavetogether.




      Robyn'savatarwalks over to the chimprolling the balland crouches down in front of it.




      ButI do nottest,I do notwanttowalk around aNorth-Southbut,noonecan be sopowerfulit I walked up and down before.




      shotIwalked all theway, any access to myeyes, and even the wild flowersalso did notmissashot, called take-all.




      Thenhewheeled briskly round, caught sightofthedoorthrough which he hadentered in front of him, went to it, opened it, and passed out.




      Hucksearched all the place about, and foundnothing.Tomproudlymarchedintoa thick clumpof sumach bushes and said.




      He told his wife to closethedoor as she went out andnot to let the boycome in again.

