

      [qī dài]





      anticipate; await; expect; waitinhope; lookforwardto



      全部,expect,anticipate,await,look forward toexpectation,expectancy



      Those twoyears of learningwilladd another two yearsat the end of my career, so that's how Ilook at it.




      If that is what youwant,break out of themindset that has resulted from beingindoctrinated by the darkOnes.




      it was snowing outside the window,acup of coffee, and holds that it is cold, just know again remind of you. I expect you tounderstand!




      Afterayearof promises about the "nextgreatgamingplatform, " the original iPad failed to deliveronexpectations.




      Thefrontfasciaalsolooks to haveboldercharacterlines with the signatureVolvogrillenowlookingmorepredominate.




      Iwasexpecting all along that they were going to callme up and tell me to leaveLhasaimmediately.




      the developing world, we wish to be your best friendand welcome abrightfuture with youhandinhand.




      It's a reallyfunandunitingactivity that wealllookforwardto. Let meexplainthesetwoideas a little more.




      So it was agoodset of meetings, and I look forwardtobriefingtheROKGovernment and also the incoming ROK government.




      Thisbabyshower punch ispink,makingitagreatchoicefor the expectantmotherofagirl.

