

      [chéng dù]






      level; degree


      extent; degree






      Muchof it had to do with myproblems,buta good portionofourtroubles were related to hisissues, as well.




      I didn't look at theend how muchit was damagedbut for sureit doesn't help,butit's difficulttosay how much the difference was.




      Buteconomistsdoubted the extentto which the measures would help the economyandsaidTaiwanremainedvulnerable to weakglobaldemand.




      A task's interactiveness metriciscalculatedbased on how muchtime the taskexecutescompared to how much time it sleeps.




      Whetherthisisanother one depends on how muchrecentfinancialandeconomic troubles worsen.




      The conditionof the largeintestine was similar to that of the small intestine,but the injury was less severe.




      Thisgrimrecordmakes it near-impossible for outsiders to takeseriouslySudan'sclaims that it istrying to minimise the violence.




      How muchworsemighttheoveralltrafficsituation get in China?




      The amountofchangetoaplaceshould be guided by the culturalsignificance of the placeand its appropriateinterpretation.




      Williams said the mood in the wirelessindustryhasimprovedsomewhat, with companiesstarting to see"the light at the end of the tunnel."

