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外教讲解地道美语 第346期:你感觉如何?

Source: 恒星英语学习网   2012-03-16   论坛 Favorite 

What Mood Are You In?

A: Are you ok? You seem a bit anxious.

B: Yeah, I'm OK, I have been having a lot of mood swings lately. I think it has to do with the pills my doctor prescribed that are causing chaos on my hormones.

A: So you mean you feel ecstatic one minute and then blue the next?

B: Yeah, it's weird. For example just this morning I was feeling detached and lonely, even though there was really no reason to feel that way.

A: Well, maybe your mood will swing positively and you will feel confident, brave and hopeful!

B: I hope you are right.

上一篇:外教讲解地道美语 第345期:Fast Food 快餐