
恒星英语学习网 2010年12月09日

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      Unit 8. Literature and Art.

      Unit 8. Part 1. Talking about literature.

      Dialogue 1.

      W: Who is your favorite poet?

      M: Tagore is my favorite.

      W: What do you think about his poetry?

      M: His poetry is refreshing and philosophical and he won the Nobel prize for literature in 1913.

      Dialogue 2.

      W: Have you read any good books lately?

      M: I have been reading Harry Potter books.

      W: Really? They have become one of the most in demand book series among young readers.

      M: Yeah, and I can’t wait to finish reading it.

      Dialogue 3.

      W: I am reading Thomas Hardy now. This term we are studying Tess of the D’urbervilles.

      M: Are you enjoying the book?

      W: I am enjoying it, but I found Thomas Hardy to be very depressing.

      M: I agree. It seems that the people are in situations beyond their control.

      W: It seems that fate rules their lives.

      M: I am going to read a recreational book. I don’t want to end up feeling depressed.
