
恒星英语学习网 2010年12月10日

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      Unit 8. Part 3. Using the library.

      Dialogue 1.

      W: I would like to check out this book.

      M: Do you have your library card?

      W: Yeah, it’s right here.

      M: You can have it for 2 weeks.

      Dialogue 2.

      W: I would like to find the little prince.

      M: Let me see. That book has already been checked out.

      W: Could you tell me when it is returned?

      M: Sure, just fill out this form here.

      Dialogue 3.

      W: Excuse me? Have you got any books about the moon and the stars?

      M: Yes, they are on that shelf over there.

      W: How long can I keep it?

      M: No more than 3 weeks.

      W: If my library book is over due how much should I pay for the overdue charge per day?

      M: Five cents a day.

      Dialogue 4.

      W: I am looking for some background information on ancient history. Where can I get it?

      M: History, geography, biography, and travel are all in the section with numbers going from 900 to 999, by the way have you looked in the card catalogue?

      W: I am afraid I haven’t. I just came directly to you for help.

      M: All the books are listed in the card catalogue. And of course you can also find all the books listed in the computer and it gives you more information than the card catalogue too.
