

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语



      Been to the moon if he put the same


      Been to the moon if he put the same


      He spoke as if going to the Moon


      He had said that it seems to have been to the moon as



      a汽车使用性能 Automobilism performance [translate] 
      a网络不仅使我们的生活更加丰富,而且使我们的生活更加方便 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aA daydream 一作白日梦 [translate] 
      athrough a needle submerged in the solution 通过针在解答淹没了 [translate] 
      a有些男孩像女孩一样留长头发 Some boys look like the girl to let grow long the hair equally [translate] 
      aHow can we succeed? 我们怎么可以成功? [translate] 
      a今天早上,我什么也没发生 This morning, my any has not occurred [translate] 
      a今晚公司盘点 Tonight the company inventories [translate] 
      aSearch or browse our list of known manufacturers in the Electronic Component Industry. 搜寻或浏览知道的制造商我们的名单在电子元件产业。 [translate] 
      a我活 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a感染科 Infectious disease department [translate] 
      a我将学好口语 I will learn the spoken language [translate] 
      a很遗憾听说这些错误 Hears these mistakes very regrettably [translate] 
      a断了的手肘 Broke elbow [translate] 
      awhy you learn english so hard? 为什么您那么艰苦学会英语? [translate] 
      adouble auction with subsequent effort decision 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      ain the company. 在公司中。 [translate] 
      ai have company in hong kong and china 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a男佣人 Male servant [translate] 
      ahe has harted smoking and ctting class 他有harted抽烟的和ctting的类 [translate] 
      aI could not jump or run. 我不可能跳或跑。 [translate] 
      aWho can say no 谁可能认为没有 [translate] 
      a최의핑 多数砰地作声 [translate] 
      a李さんの部屋は 狭いです。でも きれいです 李的屋子是狭窄,是。如此它是干净的 [translate] 
      a在决赛的最后 At finals final [translate] 
      aHow long it took you here? 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aBoil safe drinking water&allow to cool. Measure the required volume of cooled,boiled water into sterilised feeling bottle.Warm to feeding temperature. 冷却的煮沸安全饮用水&allow。 测量冷却的,煮沸的水的必需的容量入被消炎的感觉的瓶。温暖到哺养的温度。 [translate] 
      athere's aslide ov there shall we goand play there 有aslide那里ov将我们goand戏剧那里 [translate] 
      a被看做...... Is considered as ...... [translate] 
      a我们准备了许多节目,例如跳舞、唱歌和小品 We have prepared many programs, for example dances, sings with the sketch [translate] 
      a我迫不及待想去看那里的美景 I impatient want to go to look at there beautiful scene [translate] 
      a爱情真的很自私 Love really very selfish [translate] 
      aShylas.DD.Adventures_xcite Shylas.DD.Adventures_xcite [translate] 
      aWe practice spoken with each other 我们实践互相讲了话 [translate] 
      a他要求有关的人都积极来参加这项工作 He requests the concerned people all positive to start this work [translate] 
      a你能及时完成作业吗? You can complete the work promptly? [translate] 
      a最调皮 Most mischievous [translate] 
      a除了英语外,他会说三种外语 Besides English, he can speak three foreign languages [translate] 
      amy reach 我的伸手可及的距离 [translate] 
      a大明正在打篮球吗? The Ming Dynasty is playing the basketball? [translate] 
      aI am happy,because I own you ,I know what is happiness because of you 我是愉快的,因为I拥有您,我知道什么是幸福由于您 [translate] 
      aevaluate our design on a 20-node wireless network, and discuss the [translate] 
      a是啊 我们西藏在亚洲 Yes our Tibet in Asia [translate] 
      a珠江三角洲 Zhujiang Delta [translate] 
      a3.測試數量:n>5pcs 3. test quantities: n>5pcs [translate] 
      a他是昨天到达广州的 He was yesterday arrives Guangzhou [translate] 
      aThey performed all over the world 他们执行了得全世界 [translate] 
      a友邦保险公司2年工作经验 Ally insurance company 2 year work experiences [translate] 
      aaccessory meter control switches 辅助米控制开关 [translate] 
      a他的梦想是成为一名成功的作家 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      atour pians 游览pians [translate] 
      a她在四月初离开了我们的学校 She left our school in the beginning of April [translate] 
      abe sorry for sb 为sb是抱歉 [translate] 
      a亲爱的,你睡吧,我就在你的身边看着你。 Dear, you rest, I on look at you in yours side. [translate] 
      aDecadent night 腐蚀夜 [translate] 
      a他很懒,总是坐在坐沙发里看电视什么也不做 He is very lazy, always sits in sits in the sofa to look television any does not do [translate] 
      a他说得就好像去过月球一样 正在翻译,请等待... [translate]