






      close; shut


      involve; concern; connect


      shutin; lockup


      closedown; gooutofbusiness


      turnoff; switchoff





      pass; checkpoint


      criticaljuncture; mechanism









      全部,shut,close,concern,involve,pass,check point,OFF,guan,turn off



      As youknow,businessunitsaleslikethisarecrucialto A. I. G. 's effort to repaytheAmerican taxpayer.




      Be careful, the doorisclosing. Please walk inside. NextstopisXX, please be ready to get off.




      Would youmindclosing the door? Iwoulm trying to takea dump here.




      Theweddingcan be harvestedmanymovedandsurprise,and how much to pay the MONEY.




      out ofawindowinto which he had beenconfined, hefeltsomethingdifferent.




      I did notplaywithher, so Itoldher to move my moneyback to my bankaccount and to close the investmentaccount.




      "But there are a few waystolook at it,"headds. "As Susan Faludi said,thewomen's movement wasn't about happiness. "




      One is how deeplyweencodeamemory, the otheris how muchattentionwe're paying at the crucialmoment.




      Iwakeup in the morningto the sound of an alarmclock, and as I reach over to turnitoff, I essentially pressplay to start my day.




      Myguideledmetoatall, ruinous house with shuttered windows, and knockedseveraltimesat the door.

