

      [kě ài]





      adorable; cute; lovely; likable; endearing






      Weknewhehadnot been well,butwedidnotrealisehowserious it was.He was aterrificfootballerandalovelyguy.




      Such alovelyface! Plenty of room at the HotelCalifornia ! Anytime of year.




      Amy, too, hadadearchildnamedBeth, butshewasafraillittlecreature and the dreadoflosingher was the shadow over Amy's sunshine.




      Ibroughtittoher place with a little message and a nice ribbon, just like a realgift.--Dany Lariviere.




      Iknowthat when some of youhear the word"puppets" it may be a littlescary,but these puppets were really, really cute.haha.




      Shehada fine earfordialogue,butherplayscouldbeabitcute and awkwardlyautobiographical.




      Isawher reflection.She was aslovely as theothernight,maybemore so.




      she was dressed in blackvelvet ; she looked high and splendid ,ashehadsaid , and yet ohsoradiantly gentle.




      look,thecakebig,round face, andwas covered with whitebutter, cream with all kinds of flowers, it seemstomesmiling, and lovely!




      Didyouget a glimpseof her pleasantcountenanceor come close enough to her ear to sing in itthe song sheloves to hear?

