

      [huí guī]





      recurrence; regression; flyback



      全部,regression,recurrence,flyback,Return,Volver,The Return



      Weareluckyto have returned to the motherlandunder"OneCountry, Two Systems"at the timeof her rise to power.




      For investors whothink the marketis going to continuehigher,nowmight be a good time to get backin at prices that are a bit lower.




      The comebackconcerts in Londonsold out in anticipation of Jackson'sreturn.




      Hisrecovery has been swiftsincethenbut,untiltoday, Wenger had notrevealed the expected dateof his comeback.




      Yetdespiteourcollective best efforts,oneyear on, the capital marketsseem to be reverting to business as usual.




      The leastsquare approach is applied to get regressioncurvesandadesign plan is proposedon the basis of the regressioncurves.




      At thispoint,Yaomaynot be backbuthe's definitelyon his way there.




      Fortunately,peoplebegan to reflect on the beginningof the return of real estateadsalsoappeared in amoredistinctChinesestyle.




      BothyouandMotherEartharerecovering,andasyoudoso are rapidlyreturningtoahigher manifestation of your fullpotential.




      A spokesmansaid the aircraft, whose existence had recently come to light,wouldbean important addition to Iraqs defencecapability.

