

      [jiù suàn]





      〈口〉evenif; grantedthat



      全部,granted that,Even if,XXX-MNL,granting that.



      Ifhealthcare costs rise6 percent inayear, forexample, that counts as higher G. D. P. ,buthowmuchisourhealth actually improving?




      This is veryimportantasmanydesignersarenotprepared to handle thisand is not the end of the worldifpeople don't like what you do.




      'Rightnow,it's all about capitalpreservation,'hesaid. 'IfIlosesomemoneyintheprocess, so beit.




      Husband #4was in telemarketing: even though heknewhehadtheorder, he didn't knowwhen he wouldbeable to deliver.




      Howwe desire to be able to letyouunderstandin a blink of an eye thatwhich this PURESTLOVEis all about.




      So the questionis,even if they are allowedtodo it,how much of a victory is this actually ultimately?




      But the might of theseheroesisnothingcompared to the power of the archivists of Westmarch.




      In the airislonely is spreadingquietly,evenifI change into the smognot to endure to be separated.




      It is interesting to note, that whilethere was noconsensus on the issueitself, there was a consensus on resolving the issue.




      Evenifthechildisadopted,if he isnurtured to bea part of the familyfrom young, there is no reason why he would not belong.

