

      [liú lì]





      fluent; smooth; lucidandnice; fluency


      fluently; smoothly



      全部,fluent,fluently,fluency,smoothly,volubility,with facility,Fluency and Accuracy



      I have neverregretted like this,I have never been soeager to sayafluentEnglish.




      TheextensiveEnglishlearnerallthinks that self is abletosayfluentEnglish, is unable to findseeminglyalwaysbut the rightpartner.




      Mother,twoverysimplewords, the early stages ofschool, wehavelearned the wording of it, but do notalwaysfeel that writingfluency.




      Whenheentered the room,hisregal aura, luminous eyes, andsimple eloquence seemed magnified by his physicaldecline.




      OnFriday, MrHucomplimented Mr Rudd on his fluencyandthankedhim for his commitmenttodeveloping the Australia-China relationship.




      Not able to speakKoreanfreely,he might seem to be alittleshy.




      "Thissongreallychangedmylife," he said, speaking excellentEnglish that has just a hintof an Americanaccent.




      Iknowyouknow a lot about artandspeakfluentFrenchandGerman;I had noideayou were a librarian.




      Iasked a Chinesenewsassistant, Yoli, to gowithme to thebank, where they speakfluentChinese but badlybrokenEnglish.




      "Isawher at the exit,"hesaidinnearlyfluentEnglish. "At that moment,I'm veryexcited for her. I didn't realize the consequences. "

