
      [shén] [shí] [shi]






      assorted; varied; miscellaneous









      Theyarebetterpositionedthan anyone to makeitajackpotsummerbyaddingasecondstarlike Chris Boshand re-signing Dwyane Wade.




      An Irish-owned ship that was tryingtobreak through the IsraeliblockadeofGaza has beendiverted to the Port of Ashdod.




      Menschen knows that thereisastage somewhere waiting for hertodiscover and to playon.




      "I don't knowif Gareth Barrywillleave Aston Villa or not,butI am not on hiscase,"saidtheFrenchman.




      At the moment whenhe had stooped to lift Gavroche,abullet had grazed his head; he had notnoticed it.




      an old man , the counts valet as he was called, danilo terentyitch ,came up to the crowd and called mishka.




      AfewmonthsafterIreturnedfromthe Awash,IaskedWhitewhathethought the lastcommonancestorwould have looked like.




      InLondon,protestersheldposters with Ashtiani's likeness while aspeakercriticizedIran's treatment of her.




      Cleopatra could haveputa fewofherguards at my disposal!I have todoeverythingmyself;I'm not Gilgamesh here!




      But in turning to a traditionallyfemalejob, Mr Brush istrying to escape a verymalerecession.

