

      [yǐ wǎng]





      before; formerly; previous; inthepast



      全部,previous,before,formerly,in the past,foretime,anciently



      We came up with more sanity checksthan I've ever seen in anyotherstudy before.




      That it used tobeillegalunder US law to exportcrypto to anycountry,whichhas been relaxedthough,butdoes not include Cuba.




      The next morningwe got up in the darkasbefore,but the water was frozen, so wecouldnotwash.




      Middleage is the time when aman is alwaysthinkingthatin a week or two he willfeelasgood as ever.




      Everwonder how muchmemoryisinstalledinyourcomputeror how muchmemoryisinstalled on your graphicscard?




      Mourinhoexplainedthedecision to go for an established world star to those who believeita departure from his previousbuyingpolicy.




      It didn't dawn on her until later that histruckwasnotin its usualplacein front of the house.




      China-- the countryonceknown as the "world's factory" -- isnowlookingat a very different future.




      Heknew that the populardesire for progressivechange was asstrong as everandbound to grow.




      This enabled themtoearncash to pay for health care,educationand the other essentials oflife which hadbeen out of reach for so long.

