

      [miàn shì]














      全部,interview,Job Interview,Interviews,The Interview



      Theinterviewermaybe trying todetermine just how muchyouwant the job.




      If you care to give an interview I shall bepleased to call any afternoonexceptMonday.




      Hewant[s] metoflyoutrightafter the press conference and try out for the general managerjob.




      If an onlineportfolio is out the question create apaper one thatyoucan bring with youtointerviews.




      ThenIthought the best thing really is to treatitas an interview and that was that.




      With somuch to do, it'seasy to forgetthepracticaldetails that can distinguish asuccessfulinterview from a tragic one.




      At the firstinterview for recruitingasalesman, the interviewer toldMike he would callhimback later, but he neveranswered.




      Itmayknock the interviewer for a loop and appear to beoverly aggressive,butsomepeoplethink of it as closing the sale.




      Good.Well, let mearrangeatime for youtocome in for an interview.




      There'sprobablywaystofind the top20most interesting brain teasers.But the pointis to seehow the interviewsubject thinks.

