

      [shēn biān]






      (havesth.) onone; withone


      at [by] one'sside



      全部, on one,with one,beside,By Your Side,Close



      Yes,he knew, and he did not plan toleave Elijah untilGod did takehimhome.




      Aswewalkedin the heat among the gentlybleatinganimals, it was easy to imagine historical time rushing backward with everystep.




      You are such a fool,Ineverneed to bearbesideyou,the only thing Ineed to bear is that I can't let you know my truefeelingson you.




      With wonderful presence of mind, Don Pedro, thecruelsire, rushedin, draggedouthisdaughter, with a hasty aside. . .




      LikeIsaidbefore,gettingyourexboyfriendbackistheeasy part.It'smaintaininga strong.




      Theboystaredatme in surprise and jumped right besideme,then grabbed my hat and launched it outof the window.




      If youreallylovethe committed man,helphimtogoback to his wifeevenif it hurts.




      I'm sure that youknow my bravewife who would be hereby my side,ifshe were able.




      Shesatin the cabnext to her fatherandlooked out of the windowat the tallhousesand the darksky.




      IguessIwas just to catch up in high school to realizesheneededsomeone there forher.

