

      美 [tʃeɪndʒ]

      英 [tʃeɪndʒ]

  •       n.变化;改变;变革;变更
  •       v.变化;改变;变更;转换
  •       网络零钱;更改;修改

      第三人称单数:changes  现在分词:changing  过去式:changed  




      change mind,make change,change order,change money,change plan


      sudden change,major change,great change,radical change,fundamental change


      completely change,quickly change,dramatically change,fundamentally change,radically change








      (使)变化become/make different



      改变;变化to become different



      ~ sb/sth

      使不同to make sb/sth different



      (使)变换,改换,变成to pass or make sb/sth pass from one state or form into another



      ~ sth

      转换;变更to stop having one state, position or direction and start having another




      替代;替换;更换to replace one thing, person, service, etc. with sth new or different




      互换;交换to exchange positions, places, etc. with sb else, so that you have what they have, and they have what you have




      换衣服;更衣to put on different or clean clothes




      ~ sb/sth

      更换(衣服或尿布)to put clean clothes or a clean nappy / diaper on a baby




      ~ sth

      换(床单等)to put clean sheets, etc. on a bed




      把(货币)兑换(成另一种货币)to exchange money into the money of another country



      换零钱to exchange money for the same amount in different coins or notes




      ~ sth (for sth)

      退换;掉换to exchange sth that you have bought for sth else, especially because there is sth wrong with it; to give a customer a new item because there is sth wrong with the one they have bought




      换乘;转乘to go from one bus, train, etc. to another in order to continue a journey


      change hands

      换主人;易主;转手to pass to a different owner

      change horses in midstream

      中流换马;中途变卦;转而支持另外的人(或事)to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another

      change your/sbs mind

      改变决定(或看法、主意)to change a decision or an opinion

      change your tune


      改变口风;转变态度;变卦to express a different opinion or behave in a different way when your situation changes

      change your ways

      开始过另一种生活;换个活法to start to live or behave in a different way from before
