

      美 [ˈlaɪs(ə)ns]

      英 ['laɪs(ə)ns]

  •       v.许可;批准
  •       网络许可证;执照;授权

      复数:licenses  现在分词:licensing  过去式:licensed  




      valid license,permanent license,special license,temporary license


      get license,issue license,revoke license,renew license,grant license









      批准;许可to give sb official permission to do, own, or use sth







      He thought for a minute and said,"Well, Iguess I'llgoget that drivers' license."



      Hesaid the bankintends to apply for a licenseand has sought more informationabout obtaining access to China's bondmarket.



      Hesaid the suspected bomberhasnot been identified,but was carrying a fakedriver's license from the U. S. state ofMichigan.



      Noonewants to believe that the bookhe'sbrought homeis onlypartly his, and subject to the terms of a license set out on theflyleaf.



      After henoticed the cyclist was trying to memorize the licenseplatenumberofhis car, Yao returned and stabbed her to death.



      I didn't knowwhy at first,butashebegan writing down the licensenumberof my car,Irealised that I had madeamistake.



      Only those partsof the inputimagethatfulfill a set of licenseplateproperties need to be considered for a more thorough inspection.



      There wasone other thing,hesaid:"I'm one of the first Afghans that has actually won a goldlicense."



      Once you've decided what restrictions you want to put on your work, it'sprettyeasy to identify the closestCClicense.



      But all he gavehim was a slap on the wrist - he finedhimtwohundreddollarsand suspended his driver'slicensefor 30 days.
