

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语







      Tea store




      Tea merchant

      aHow long is it_____ I _____?A. since…arrived 多久是it_____ I _____ ?A. 因为…到达了 [translate] 
      aEspecially used for cleaning the heavy oil dirt on the surface, such as the oils on the cleaning hoods, exhaust fans, stoves, car engines, tires, machinery and other heavy oil traces. Especially used for cleaning the heavy oil dirt on the surface, such as the oils on the cleaning hoods, exhaust fans, stoves, car engines, tires, machinery and other heavy oil traces. [translate] 
      alinear expansion 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a但有的同学认为这是一种浪费 But some schoolmates thought this is one kind of waste
      a中文版如有更新的,我会陆续发给大家 The Chinese version like has the renewal, I can issue everybody one after another [translate] 
      ayou're clever 您是聪明的 [translate] 
      aWOULD THYME BE FOUND IN AN HERB GARDEN 麝香草在药草园里将被发现 [translate] 
      a地面打孔 Ground punch [translate] 
      awhat is the conclusion of this passage? 什么是这个段落结论? [translate] 
      a我希望它不會用在我身上 I hoped it cannot use on my body [translate] 
      a二级配电箱电缆 Two gradation battery case electric cable [translate] 
      a事实证明走低俗路线成名比走传统路线成名更快捷 The fact proved the vulgar route becomes famous the ratio to walk the traditional route to become famous quickly [translate] 
      abut all these shows aren't always on at the _ channel ir time 但所有这些展示总不是在_渠道ir时间 [translate] 
      a12、桥墩桥台的尺寸拟定 [translate] 
      a少的 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aSlag off those are findings of the students ' activities 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a1982年出生于武汉 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aI's sure that with efforts from both sides,the situation will be improved and we will actually be independent. I's sure that with efforts from both sides, the situation will be improved and we will actually be independent.
      a人生道路上,难免有一些挫折,我们应微笑着面对 On the life path, has some setbacks unavoidably, we should smile are facing [translate] 
      a这样可以让我放松下来 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      awhat about your parents? 怎么样您的父母? [translate] 
      asystem, and they are inappropriate when frequent changes [translate] 
      aUS$5,794.08 US$5,794.08 [translate] 
      aresearch turtle populations and educate locals about how to prevent poaching 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      acivil service clerk 文职机关干事 [translate] 
      a黄山的景色多美啊! 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a广州市海珠区逸景路西 Guangzhou sea bead area leisurely Jing Luxi [translate] 
      akeep your eyes on the ball 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a茶庄 Tea merchant [translate]