
恒星英语学习网 2017年07月25日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  


      what与that引导名词性从句时有何区别? 请看题:  

      —I think __________ he needs is more practice.   

      —Yes. __________ he needs more practice is clear.   

      A. what, What                   B. that, That                  C. what, That                   D. that, What  

      此题应选 C。其余三项均可能被误选。what 和 that 都可以引导名词性从句,但有区别。如:  

      1. what 引导名词从句时,它在从句中要充当句子成分(主语、宾语等),而 that 引导名词从句时,它在从句中不能充当句子成分。  

      2. what 引导名词从句时,它有词义(表示:什么;所……的[东西]);而 that 引导名词从句时,它没有词义。  

      请做以下试题,注意区别 what 和 that。如:  

      1. ________ you said is different from the thing ________he told us.   

      A. What, what                        B. That, that  

      C. What, that                          D. That, what  

      2. —I think ________ he said is true.(www.hxen.com)   

      —But don’t forget the fact ________he is a cheat.   

      A. what, what                        B. that, that  

      C. what, that                          D. that, what  

      3. ________ surprised us most is ________he spoke English so well.   

      A. What, what                         B. That, that  

      C. What, that                           D. That, what  

      答案:1. C     2. C     3. C
