
恒星英语学习网 2016年11月16日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  


      一、the+比较级, the+比较级


      The better I knew him, the more I liked him. 我越了解他就越喜欢他。

      The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I’ll be able to answer them. 题目越难我越答不出。

      二、the+比较级+of the two


      He is the taller of the two. 他是两人中较高的那个。

      She was the more promising worker of the two. 她是两人之中更有培养前途的工人。


      此句型表示“越来越…”,单音节形容词或副词用“-er+and +-er”,如:

      Things are getting better and better every day. 情况一天天好起来。

      It’s becoming more and more difficult to find a job. 找工作越来越困难了。

      Holiday nights are getting less and less expensive. 假日机票越来越便宜了。

      四、not +比较级+ than / no +比较级+ than

      比较级前加not,表示前者不如后者,与not as…as相当;比较级前加no是对两者的否定,意为“和……一样不……”,与neither…nor…或“as+相反意义的形容词或副词+as”相当。如:

      He is not taller than me. 他不如我高。

      He is no taller than me. 他同我一样不高。(即一样矮)

      His English is not better than mine. 他的英语不如我的英语好。

      His English is no better than mine. 他的英语同我的英语一样不好。(即一样差)

      You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔细。

      You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一样不仔细。(即一样粗心)
