
恒星英语学习网 2020年05月23日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  


      一、比较级前可用a bit, a little, rather, some(肯定句及请求或建议的问句中), any(否定句或疑问句中)表示“稍稍,一点”;用much, far, a great/good deal, a lot, lots, a good bit等表示“……得多”;用still(只用于肯定句), even, yet等表示“更加”。如:

      Can you move a little farther?你可以站稍远一点吗?

      Do you feel any better today?你今天觉得好一点了吗?

      Let’s go by car. It’s much cheaper. 咱们开车去。这样便宜得多。

      There are far more people than we expected. 人比我们预计的多得多。

      He is fat,but his brother is still fatter. 他很胖,但他哥哥更胖。



      That was a much/far easier job. 这是件容易得多的工作。


      I’ve made many more mistakes than you have.我出的错比你多得多。


      China is one-sixth larger than the United States.中国比美国大六分之一。

      Their house is about three times bigger than ours.他们的房子大约有我们房子三倍大。

      He is three years older than his brother.他比他兄弟大三岁(from www.hxen.com)。

      三、最高级前可用the second, the very, much the, (by) far the, not quite the, nearly the, almost the等修饰。如:

      She is by far the most active member in our group. 她是我们组最最活跃的成员。

      Africa is the second largest continent.非洲是第二大洲。

      This hat is nearly/almost the biggest. 这帽子差不多是最大的了。


      This is the very best. =This is much the best.这是最最好(难)的。


      Their house is about three times as big as ours. 他们的房子大约有我们房子三倍大。
