
恒星英语学习网 2017年05月05日

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      1. relevant

      adj.  有关的,中肯的;相关联的;确切的;有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的;

      [例句]We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people.


      2. relieve

      vt.    缓解;解除;换班;(去厕所的一种委婉说法)方便;

      [例句]Drugs can relieve much of the pain.


      3. remark

      n.     话语;注意,观察;评论,谈论,;

      vt.    评论;觉察;

      [例句]I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon.


      4. remedy

      n.     补救办法;治疗法;纠正办法;(硬币的)公差;

      vt.    补救;治疗;改正,纠正,改进;

      [例句]The remedy lies in the hands of the government.


      5. remember

      vt.    记得;牢记;记着;纪念;回想起;送钱[礼物]给…;

      [例句]You wouldn't remember me. I was in another group.


      6. remind

      vt.    提醒;使想起,使记起;

      [例句]So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.


      7. remove

      vt.    去除;开除;脱掉,拿下;迁移;

      vi.     迁移,移居;离开;

      n.      距离,差距;移动;

      [例句]He removed his jacket.


      8. render

      v.      给予;使成为;递交;表达;

      [例句]It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.


      9. renew

      vt.    补充;重新开始;使更新;使恢复;

      vi.     重申,重复强调;重新开始;

      [例句]He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe.


      10. renovate

      vt.    翻新,修复,整修;革新,更新;恢复(精神);

      adj.  恢复的,革新的,翻新的;

      [例句]The couple spent thousands renovating the house.


      11. repel

      vt.    击退;抵制;使厌恶;使不愉快;

      [例句]Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.


      12. repent

      vt.    对(自己的所为)感到懊悔或忏悔;

      adj.  [植]匍匐生根的;[动]爬行的;

      [例句]Those who refuse to repent, he said, will be punished.


      13. replace

      vt.    代替;替换;把…放回原位;(用…)替换;

      [例句]The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.


      14. represent

      vt.    表现,象征;代表,代理;扮演;作为示范;

      vi.     代表;提出异议;

      [例句]The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers representing the victims.


      15. reproach

      vt.    责备,责骂;使丢脸;申斥;损伤…的体面;

      n.     谴责;责备,责骂;耻辱,污辱;[宗]应答圣歌;

      [例句]She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.

