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US Synchronized Swimming team chases medals

Source:    2008-08-08   论坛 Favorite 
(BEIJING, August 7) -- The US Synchronized Swimming team aims for gold in both Duet and Team events in Beijing, said Tammy McGregor, head coach of the US Synchronized Swimming team, in an interview on August 6."We're chasing a medal in each event. That's what we train for. But more than that we're seeking to put on the most innovative choreography and set our own trends in the water."The U.S. women earned both Duet and Team bronze medals four years ago at the Athens Olympics and have won a total of nine Olympic medals in Solo, Duet and Team since Synchronized Swimming became a full medal sport in 1984."Our free team routine contains a lot of stuff people have never seen before. We've never performed it outside the United States but the people we've shown it to say it's the greatest free routine they've ever seen," said McGregor proudly."Innovative choreography is like fashion. In order to start a trend you have to go out on a limb. We've gone out on a limb for the Games. It's all about that 'wow' factor and we've got it. "When asked about Russia's new technical team routine in June 2008, when the reigning Olympic champion Russian Synchronized Swimming team visited the United States, Macgregor said "The parts I saw they had some incredible lifts and very good design. They exhibit a certain power than nobody else can match.""They may be the best team, but do they have the best product? That's the killer question," she added.
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